Lowongan Kerja ASTRA UD Trucks
Lowongan Kerja ASTRA UD Trucks - ASTRA UD Trucks sebagai mitra bisnis terpercaya di industri truk Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menyediakan total solusi transportasi terdepan melalui inovasi produk serta layanan yang berkesinambungan. Produk dan layanan yang inovatif dari ASTRA UD Trucks menjawab segala tantangan dalam industri truk di Indonesia.
Misi kami memberikan solusi transportasi total secara berkesinambungan kepada pelanggan dengan menciptakan layanan yang memiliki budaya inovatif. Mengembangkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang bersemangat, dapat diandalkan dan profesional. Serta menyediakan semua sistem dan infrastruktur yang diperlukan melalui jaringan diler resmi yang tersebar mulai dari Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Jambi, Palembang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Samarinda, dan Makassar.
Pengalaman ASTRA UD Trucks yang sejak 1984 merupakan distributor resmi Nissan Diesel di Indonesia, dan akhirnya berganti nama menjadi UD Trucks di tahun 2010, memiliki visi untuk menjadi mitra bisnis terpercaya dalam dalam industri truk di Indonesia melalui SDM dan pelayanan yang terbaik.
Dan kali ini perusahaan besar ternama ASTRA UD Trucks diatas membuka kesempatan kerja untuk anda yang berasal dari tamatan pendidikan tertera untuk mengisi posisi yang akan direkrut dengan persyaratan dan kriteria sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja ASTRA UD Trucks Terbaru 2022
Posisi Kerja Tersedia
1. Cost Accounting Staff
Support In recording activities and administrative calculations in all existing Accounting costs, as well as carrying out stock taking:
- Posting journals related to stock and COGS
- Calculate and monitor inventory record
- Calculate and monitor all cost related to production
- Prepare and monitor monthly COGS
- Handle Stock Opname
- Handle External Audit
- Minimum Diploma degree in Accounting
- Minimum 2-4 years experience.
- Familiar in working with MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, SAP
- Strong knowledge in Cost Accounting task
- Good attitude, honest and strong integrity.
- Having organizational experiences will be a plus
- Able to work well under pressure
- Contracted based employee.
2. Tax Staff – PPh Specialist
Carry out reporting, payment and tax administration processes (Income Tax/ PPh):
- Prepare and submit withholding tax invoice to suppliers
- Collect and monitor withholding tax invoices from customers
- Prepare and submit periodic tax return to tax office
- Prepare reconciliation of withholding tax art 21, 22, 23, 26, 4 (2)
- Handle tax audit
- Minimum Diploma degree in tax/ fiscal
- Minimum 2-4 years experience.
- Familiar in working with MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, SAP
- Strong knowledge in tax and accounting administration task
- Good attitude, honest and strong integrity.
- Hold a certificate of Brevet A and B
- Having organizational experiences will be a plus
- Able to work well under pressure
- Contracted based employee.
3. Tax Staff – PPN Specialist
Carry out reporting, payment and tax administration processes (PPN):
- Prepare and submit VAT invoices to customers
- Collect and monitor VAT invoices from suppliers
- Calculate over or less payment of monthly VAT
- Prepare and submit periodic tax return to tax office
- Prepare reconciliation of revenue and purchase
- Handle tax audit
- Minimum Diploma degree in tax/ fiscal
- Minimum 2-4 years experience.
- Familiar in working with MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, SAP
- Strong knowledge in tax and accounting administration task
- Good attitude, honest and strong integrity.
- Hold a certificate of Brevet A and B
- Having organizational experiences will be a plus
- Able to work well under pressure
- Contracted based employee.
4. Part Business Analyst (Head Office)
- Bachelor in Engineer (Industrial, Mechanical, Material)
- Age 22-25
- Able to work with team or individual
- Understand basic business process & supply chain
- Adaptable and quick learner
- Responsible for analyze customer needs in after sales aspect in order to develop forecasting scheme to fulfil market needs
- Responsible for develop business process improvement in spareparts to fulfill effective business process
5. Admin Staff (JAKARTA)
Job Desc
- Responsible for the overall administrative functions of their branch and often oversee the support of executives, as well.
- Max age 27 years
- Min D3 Economics / Accounting
- Min GPA 3.00
- Good analytical thinking interpersonal skill
- High achiever, high willingness to learn
- Good resilience under pressure
- Strong interpersonal skill
- Good Team Player
6. Sales Manager (JAKARTA)
Job Desc
- Create strategic plan to increase sales and building relationships with customers.
- Able to perform supervision well
- Min S1 from all majors
- Min GPA 3.00
- Good Leadership
- Ability to face any challenges
- Good resilience under pressure
- Strong interpersonal skill
- Good Team Player
- Fluent in English
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
- Min. 5 years experience in sales trucking
7. Sales Consultant (JAKARTA)
Job Desc
- goog_737322704Identifying customer needs & characteristic.
- Build & maintain relationships with customers.
- Deliver informative presentation & quotation.
- Manage & develope contact information.
- Achieve revenue target.
- Max 30 years old
- Min D3 all major
- Min GPA 2.75
- Strong interpersonal skill
- High Achiever
- Good team player
- Matched domicile will be prioritized
- Experienced in trucking
8. Sales Consultant (Area BANDUNG & CIREBON )
Job Desc
- Identifying customer needs & characteristic.
- Build & maintain relationships with customers.
- Deliver informative presentation & quotation.
- Manage & develope contact information.
- Achieve revenue target.
- Max 30 years old
- Min D3 all major
- Min GPA 2.75
- Strong interpersonal skill
- High Achiever
- Good team player
- Matched domicile will be prioritized
- Experienced in trucking
9. Sales Consultant (SEMARANG)
Job Desc
- Identifying customer needs & characteristic.
- Build & maintain relationships with customers.
- Deliver informative presentation & quotation.
- Manage & develope contact information.
- Achieve revenue target.
- Max 30 years old
- Min D3 all major
- Min GPA 2.75
- Strong interpersonal skill
- High Achiever
- Good team player
- Matched domicile will be prioritized
- Experienced in trucking
10. Sales Consultant (SURABAYA)
Job Desc
- Identifying customer needs & characteristic.
- Build & maintain relationships with customers.
- Deliver informative presentation & quotation.
- Manage & develope contact information.
- Achieve revenue target.
- Max 30 years old
- Min D3 all major
- Min GPA 2.75
- Strong interpersonal skill
- High Achiever
- Good team player
- Matched domicile will be prioritized
- Experienced in trucking
11. Sales Consultant (SAMARINDA)
Job Desc
- Identifying customer needs & characteristic.
- Build & maintain relationships with customers.
- Deliver informative presentation & quotation.
- Manage & develope contact information.
- Achieve revenue target.
- Max 30 years old
- Min D3 all major
- Min GPA 2.75
- Strong interpersonal skill
- High Achiever
- Good team player
- Matched domicile will be prioritized
- Experienced in trucking
12. Admin Staff (SEMARANG)
Job Desc
- Responsible for the overall administrative functions of their branch and often oversee the support of executives, as well.
- Max age 27 years
- Min D3 Economics / Accounting
- Min GPA 3.00
- Good analytical thinking interpersonal skill
- High achiever, high willingness to learn
- Good resilience under pressure
- Strong interpersonal skill
- Good Team Player
13. Mechanic (JAKARTA)
Job Desc
- Inspect machines, engines, transmissions etc. and run diagnostic tests to discover functionality issues
- Conduct vehicle repairs
- Troubleshoot reported problems and resolve them in a timely manner
- Max 21 years old
- Min SMK Automotive / Mechanical Engineering
- Min 165 cm proporsional
- Good healthy & not color blind
- Ability to face any challenges
- Good resilience under pressure
- Good team player
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
14. Mechanic (CIREBON)
Job Desc
- Inspect machines, engines, transmissions etc. and run diagnostic tests to discover functionality issues
- Conduct vehicle repairs
- Troubleshoot reported problems and resolve them in a timely manner
- Max 21 years old
- Min SMK Automotive / Mechanical Engineering
- Min 165 cm proporsional
- Good healthy & not color blind
- Ability to face any challenges
- Good resilience under pressure
- Good team player
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
15. Mechanic (SEMARANG)
Job Desc
- Inspect machines, engines, transmissions etc. and run diagnostic tests to discover functionality issues
- Conduct vehicle repairs
- Troubleshoot reported problems and resolve them in a timely manner
- Max 21 years old
- Min SMK Automotive / Mechanical Engineering
- Min 165 cm proporsional
- Good healthy & not color blind
- Ability to face any challenges
- Good resilience under pressure
- Good team player
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
16. Mechanic (BANJARMASIN)
Job Desc
- Inspect machines, engines, transmissions etc. and run diagnostic tests to discover functionality issues
- Conduct vehicle repairs
- Troubleshoot reported problems and resolve them in a timely manner
- Max 21 years old
- Min SMK Automotive / Mechanical Engineering
- Min 165 cm proporsional
- Good healthy & not color blind
- Ability to face any challenges
- Good resilience under pressure
- Good team player
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
Cara Melamar Kerja di ASTRA UD Trucks
Mari bergabung bersama Followers Twitter Baru Kami @gudangloker_com atau di Instagram @gudangloker untuk update lowongan terbaru setiap harinya. Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA. apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.Lowongan kerja ini dibuka hdari tanggal Secepatnya. Bagi anda yang berminat dan juga tertarik dengan lowongan kerja diatas, serta kriteria yang mereka butuhkan sesuai dengan karakter anda, maka langsung saja kirim lamaran lengkap anda pada tombol lamar tersedia dibawah ini
Kirim Lamaran Kerja PT Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia dibawah ini
Lamar Posisi 1 - Posisi 3, Send your CV (Max. 2MB) before August 07th, 2022 to :- Email : jelita.putri@ud-ami.astra.co.id
- Subject Email : Posisi_Nama
1. Semua proses rekrutmen dan seleksi di situs ini sifatnya gratis tidak berbayar
2. Mohon waspada apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan, dan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu tidak benar (alias palsu)
3. Jangan lupa bagikan informasi pekerjaan ini ke rekan anda melalui WhatsApp, Facebook dan media sosial lainnya
4. Sumber informasi lowongan kerja diatas secara gratis kami peroleh dari sumber yang terpercaya
Kami menegaskan bahwa kami tidak pernah meminta pembayaran maupun imbalan dalam bentuk apapun dari informasi pekerjaan yang kami berikan kepada para calon pelamar. Komunikasi resmi kami selalu melalui saluran resmi seperti email perusahaan dan situs web resmi kami.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk selalu melakukan verifikasi terhadap informasi perusahaan, termasuk alamat kantor dan kontak resmi, sebelum melanjutkan dalam proses rekrutmen. Keselamatan dan keamanan informasi pribadi Anda adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.
Apabila Anda menemui tanda-tanda penipuan, kami mendorong Anda untuk segera melaporkannya kepada pihak berwenang. Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan rekrutmen yang aman, transparan, dan profesional.
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- Instagram : @gudangloker- Tiktok : @gudangloker.com
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