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Lowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia - Home Credit Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pembiayaan yang mana saat ini layanan mereka sudah ada dan berkembang keseluruh kota-kota di Indonesia hingga tahun 2018.

Kami Home Credit menyediakan pembiayaan di toko (pembiayaan non-tunai langsung di tempat) untuk konsumen yang ingin membeli produk-produk seperti alat rumah tangga, alat-alat elektronik, handphone, dan furniture.

Dan kali ini perusahaan yang membaw anama Home Credit membuka kesempatan kerja untuk anda yang berasal dari tamatan minimal D2 untuk djadikan sebagai Staff dengan persyaratan dan kriteria sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia Tahun 2022

Lowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia Tahun 2022 

Posisi Kerja yang dibutuhkan

Treasury & AR Staff


  • Prepare and handle reconciliations relating to the identified branch, deposit and general ledger accounts:
  • Perform daily bank report & journals
  • Prepare Balance Sheet Reconciliation for bank accounts
  • Prepare and maintain Time Deposit Summary Report
  • Monitoring adequacy amount on payment of bank account
  • Prepare data OJK's Cashflow reporting and ensure all information is accurate.
  • Prepare inflow & outflow report for incoming portfolio
  • Prepare Bank & Cash balance data at the end of month
  • Prepare Daily Bank Balance Report and daily bank journal
  • Maintain List of Outstanding Deposit to 3rd party
  • Maintain relationship with banks
  • Maintain List of Loan Disbursement
  • Prepare any documentation for opening new bank account


  1. Candidate must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in accounting.
  2. Required language(s): Proficient in English, Bahasa Indonesia
  3. At least 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  4. Willing to adapt to any quick changes
  5. Ability to adhere to strict deadlines
  6. Good communication skills

UX Designer


  • Translate business requirement to user journey                               
  • (Co)facilitate design thinking workshops, enabling cross function collaborations
  • Deliver UX design solutions based on business requirements to developers
  • Improve design system to be more effective & reusable                   


  1. Ideally a post-graduate design degree preferred in UX or UI design or cognitive science/human factors.
  2. 1-3 years of UX, UI design experience is preferred.
  3. Portfolio is a must. Portfolio should showcase a good mix of web and mobile applications.
  4. Strong graphic design skills, with a good understanding of typography, intuitive layouts, and palate development
  5. Strong ability to recognize and predict use-cases and user interaction and incorporate them into designs
  6. Excellent understanding of user-experience design for mobile and the web, technology trends, demonstrable design skills, and ability to show relevant work
  7. A team player who can easily adapt in a rapidly changing environment

IT Backend Developer

Job Description

  • Do you call yourself an online game freak or coding lover? If you want to challenge yourself to make earnings from your hobby, try being a part of community that is both testing your skills and, at the same time, providing you income doing the thing you love the most. Being an IT Developer in Home Credit means that you’ll be in an environment that works together for a common goal and up your own programming skills in the process!


  • Be involved and participate in the overall application lifecycle.
  • Write and perform unit testing.
  • Perform code review prior to every pull request and/or merge request
  • Collaborate with Front-end developers and System Analysts to develop a technical solution.
  • Define and communicate technical and design requirements.
  • Troubleshoot and debug applications
  • Define estimates (in Story Points) based on specified requirements.


  1. Degree from computer science or similar
  2. Hands-on experience in Spring Framework
  3. Have experience/exposure in Java
  4. Has basic knowledge of clean architecture concepts, Restful API and GraphQL.

CRM Campaign Communication Specialist


  • Communication strategy creation for CRM campaigns by using all available communication channels and customer insight
  • Collaborate with Marketing to design and develop communication materials for all non-verbal channels related to CRM campaigns
  • Develop and implement communication plans for new products and offers according to communication guidelines and brand principles
  • Supervise and improve the effectiveness of direct marketing campaigns and the quality of the content (ensure CTA is working, key benefits are relevant, no outdated information in the nonverbal materials)
  • Develop and implement regular research & test on new content to identify gaps and improve content strategy (FGD and other types of research)
  • Review and analyze the efficiency of campaigns and propose recommendations for improvement


  1. Bachelor’s degree (preferably in Marketing) or equivalent combination of education and experience
  2. 2 years of experience in a similar position
  3. Good knowledge of Marketing
  4. Good understanding of how to gather effective insights
  5. 1+ years of direct marketing campaigns background with experience in campaign development and execution
  6. Excellent verbal and written communication in English

Data Analyst

Job Description

  • Data Analyst or “Data Wizard” is someone who has the power to get raw information, process it, and turn it into meaningful information to support decision making. He/she is a geek who has big curiosity and investigative nature. Someone who chooses to be data analyst can advance their career in Home Credit to various management positions; both as leaders or as expert.


  • What you will do to kickstart your career as data analyst
  • Review data mining, prepare analysis and deliver reporting (regular and aD-hoc) and ensure the accuracy and deliver in timely manner.
  • Provide process automatization (SQL jobs, procedures, ODBC to excel) to support and improve current business process.
  • Maintain and generate the regular reports (daily, weekly, monthly) to understand the trends, highlight the issues, correlations and other outcomes, and forming clear and propose recommendation
  • To build and maintain tools for transactional process such as integrating external data into data warehouse
  • Ensure and promote compliance data processing rules and Information security standards


  1. Bachelor’s degree, preferably IT, statistics
  2. At least 3 years’ experience with data analytic, data mining, business intelligent, analysis tools
  3. Excellent SQL knowledge and skill
  4. Advanced Ms Excel skills – lookup functions, pivot tables, validations, macros
  5. Have experience in building dashboard using data visualization tools (Power BI and/or Tableau)
  6. Strong analytical skills with the ability to process & clean data, identify & analyze trends and create insights
  7. Excellent command in English, both written and spoken

Talent Acceleration Program (TAP)

Job Description

  • Home Credit Indonesia is looking for future talent who is curious, entrepreneurial, resilient, and has a vision to transform the way the world shops.


  1. What We’re Looking For:
  2. A fresh graduate or early professional with under 3 years of experience
  3. Curious, resilient, and has a sense of entrepreneurship
  4. Fluent in both written and spoken English
  5. Someone with a prior organizational experience or other achievements

Cara Melamar Kerja di Home Credit Indonesia

Mari bergabung bersama Followers Twitter Baru Kami @gudangloker_com atau di Instagram @gudangloker untuk update lowongan terbaru setiap harinya. Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA. apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.

Lowongan kerja ini dibuka hinga 12 Agustus 2022. Bagi anda yang berminat dan juga tertarik dengan lowongan kerja diatas serta kriteria  yang mereka butuhkan sesuai dengan karakter dan pribadi anda, maka langsung saja dan silakan melamar dibawah ini.

"Mari Bergabung di Channel Telegram GUDANGLOKER, untuk mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru setiap harinya, KLIK DISINI UNTUK BERGABUNG

Apply Lamaran Kerja dibawah ini.

1. Semua proses rekrutmen dan seleksi di situs ini sifatnya gratis tidak berbayar
2. Mohon waspada apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan, dan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu tidak benar (alias palsu)
3. Jangan lupa bagikan informasi pekerjaan ini ke rekan anda melalui WhatsApp, Facebook dan media sosial lainnya
4. Sumber informasi lowongan kerja diatas secara gratis kami peroleh dari sumber yang terpercaya

Perhatian - Sehubungan dengan maraknya tindakan penipuan dalam proses rekrutmen, kami merasa perlu memberikan peringatan kepada para pencari kerja. Adalah penting untuk waspada terhadap praktik-praktik yang merugikan seperti permintaan pembayaran di muka, komunikasi melalui saluran tidak resmi, tawaran gaji yang tidak proporsional, ketidakjelasan detail perusahaan, dan proses perekrutan yang tidak terstruktur.

Kami menegaskan bahwa kami tidak pernah meminta pembayaran maupun imbalan dalam bentuk apapun dari informasi pekerjaan yang kami berikan kepada para calon pelamar. Komunikasi resmi kami selalu melalui saluran resmi seperti email perusahaan dan situs web resmi kami.

Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk selalu melakukan verifikasi terhadap informasi perusahaan, termasuk alamat kantor dan kontak resmi, sebelum melanjutkan dalam proses rekrutmen. Keselamatan dan keamanan informasi pribadi Anda adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.

Apabila Anda menemui tanda-tanda penipuan, kami mendorong Anda untuk segera melaporkannya kepada pihak berwenang. Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan rekrutmen yang aman, transparan, dan profesional.
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- Tiktok : @gudangloker.com
- Facebook : @gudangloker.fp
- Whatsapp : @Channel Gudangloker